Thursday, June 18, 2009

Solution to Ripley's IQ game

Found an interesting game (somewhat like Brainvita) on net. Here's the puzzle:

After several retries, i was able to solve it. Here's the solution:

Considering A B C D E from top and 1 2 3 4 5 from left to right
R= right U=up L=left D=down
e3R c3D d1R e5UL b1D c3L a1DR d1U e2R e4UL c3L b1D e1U

Enjoy :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

answers to Mind Quiz 4

Completed MindQuiz-4 yesterday and as requested by some, below all the answers. Don't giveup and try to solve the puzzle's obviously solvable 'coz I solved it. Look at the answer, only as the laaaaaaaast resort.

(For the explanation to any of the answer, leave a comment on the blog OR email me or do both)

Q: Cockroach, Rat, Cat series
A: Dog

Q: a, bc, def, ghij series
A: klmno

Q: Mars Rocket
A: Mars

Q: quatre next level?
A: cinq

Q: India cod boxer
A: Carbondioxide

Q: Knee Light
A: neonlight

Q: Boy Pizza fill in the blanks
A: American

Elf, an alien, doesn't understand significance days of the week. If he was asked on which day he would like to cook Fry-Fish, what would his IQ say?
A: Friday

What does this represent? H I J K L M N O
A: Water

Find a hidden country in this: When I was on a trip to Java islands, I went for a trip to forests. The most dangerous incident that took place with me was the one that took place in night. I was walking on the ground when a banteng landed just in front of me. Thank god, I was with a hunter.
A: England

1: Malayalam : English
A: hsilgne

A: speedup

3: A.D.I.D.A.S.
A: AllDayIDreamAboutSports

4: Which of the seven black shapes are identical to the red one?
A: bde

1000, hundred, 366, twenty-four series
A: 60sixty

6: You are given a 10x10x10 cube composed of 1x1x1 "mini-cubes" glued together. If the outer most layers fall off, how many "mini-cubes" would have fallen off?
A: (1000-8.8.8 = 1000-512 =) 488

Forwards, I am quite heavy, but backwards I am not.

Mukul, the astronaut has 5 sons; youngest is Venus, then Mars, then Saturn, then Neptune. What is his fifth son's name. Use fifth son's name to move to next level.
A: What. (Also worth trying is entering Mars)

If it is given that you breathe more in summers than in winters and also that you breathe more in day than at night, that in which month you breathe the most and in which the least?
A: JulyFebruary

A: (View Source) billgatessucks

11: illusion
A: badeyes

12: If you are given that you can use only four different weights to measure all whole number weights lying between 1 and 80, including both, then what would be those weights?
A: 261854

13: Rapidshare recently released a new Captcha, when made people irritated, truly irritated. And I will also irritate you. Enter all the letters containing cat over them in this Captcha:
A: yocko (One of the worst puzzles)

14: alphabet towers
A: mumbai

A: adsbygoogle

Your mission is to transfer frogs of left hand side to right hand side, and vice versa. After completing the mission, you will see a message. First word of the message is the answer.
A: parabens

17: Here are few interesting statements. Some are true, and some are false. Indentify each to move to next level. Use T for True and F for False.

1. One meter long stick can be divided into three exactly equal parts.
2. Sherlock Holmes said, 'Elementary, my dear Watson!'
3. Consumers need to be cautious that water boiled in a microwave oven can suddenly "explode."
4. No Nobel Prize is awarded for mathematics because Alfred Nobel's wife had an affair with a mathematician.
5. Lightning strikes have killed people who were talking on the telephone.
6. The winning numbers in a New York state lottery drawing on 11 September 2002 were 9-1-1.
7. Venus has days longer than years.
8. Weight of all the ants in the world combined is much lighter than weight of all the humans combined.
9. 1/0 is equal to infinity.
10. Cheese is a mouse's favorite food.

A: fftftttfff

18: At this moment, clock is showing 11:56:45 PM. What will be time after 23999999994 hours 911515 minutes and 5615985 seconds? (Write answer as HHMMSS)

A: 055130

19: 33 444 66 7777 8 33 444 66 is the answer

A: einstein

20: In a land ruled by a powerful King, everything was going peacefully. But one day, his Queen, at night, screamed like hell. When king got to her, she told that her Two diamonds, Seven rubies, Nine pound gold, Three pound platinum, Five plates of silver, Ten dozen of bronze utensils, Four necklaces, Six gowns, end Eight crowns had been stolen by some thief. Hearing that, king became angry like hell, and called his private detective Jack, to handle the case. Within a day jack was able to spot the name of thief. What the name of thief? (Add "s" after the answer. Eg, if your answer is xyz, then type xyzs).

A: aces

21: what you see is what you don't get

A: naruto (One of the best puzzles)

22: I have three dice. I spin them randomly. After spinning, I note the numbers on top of each dice. I take number on top of first dice and multiply it by 2 and add five. Then I multiply the result by 5. After that I add it to number on second dice. Then I multiply it by 10 and add number on third dice. My total is 686. What were the numbers I got on the die?

A: 436

23: A+A+B+C = 13
A+B+C+D = 14
B+B+C+D = 13

A: 4325 or 2183 or 3254 etc.

24: 1.2 + 4.5 + 6.7 + 9.0 + 7.68 = ?

A: 540

25: Today is April 22, 2008, Today is ___________

A: earthday

26: The IDEA of selling ORANGE instead of a SPICE has really worked out.

A: mobile

27: In recent racing championship, Harry finished above Jason and Imotep. Dick finished above Harry, Jason and Imotep. Tom finished above Nevill and Dick. Dick finished above Vince and Ronald. Jason finished below Ronald and Dick. Vince finished before Nevill, Imotep and Jason. Imotep finished below Vince, Ronald and Nevill. Harry finished below Ronald and Dick. Nevill finished below Dick, Vince and Jason. Imotep finished below Jason and Dick. Vince finished below Harry and Dick. What was the order of their finishing the Race?

A: gafbhdec

28: This is a tricky one. In order to solve this puzzle; you really need to employ your brains. But remember, once a gentleman said, "If you don't succeed, look around for something to help you." Well, ok, I must admit this is not the answer. But does it worth to believe a gentleman's saying who doesn't even know you are solving Mind Quiz?

A: oneorderpuzzle

29: Tom and Jerry went for picnic. Jerry had bought his favorite cheese sandwich for himself. But Tom forgot to bring his lunch. When he asked Jerry to share, Jerry refused. This made Tom angry. Seeing this, Jerry started running away with his sandwich and Tom started chasing him. Nearby there was a 399424 sq. feet forest. How far can Jerry run into this forest?

A: 316feet

30: In English alphabet, there are only 7 letters that hold particular property. Four of which are A B D and O. Find out the remaining three (first spot the property, of course).

A: pqr

31: Suppose, as your punishment for playing Mind Quiz so slow, you are locked inside a mystic room. The room has six doors, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Of these doors, you can use three to enter only, and three to exit only. One person comes in through the door 6, and three minutes later another person comes in through door 1. He says: "We will set you free, if you pass a test to prove yourself for Mind Quiz. You will have to pass through all six doors, each door only once, and in correct order. Also, door 1 must be followed by door 2 or 5, door 2 by 3 or 5, door 3 by 4 or 6, door 4 by 1 or 6, door 5 by 2 or 4 and door 6 by 3 or 4." After that, they left threw the door 2. in which sequence you must pass the doors?

A: 364125 (One of the good puzzles)

32: 25 7 15 5 21 14 1 9 18 21 5 19 1

A: youareagenius

33: There are two slips of paper (with two numbers written on them), and three persons Amit, Bobby and Coole. Amit and Bobby are told to pick up the two slips, one each, and read what's written on them. Now, they see each other's slip, without showing it to Coole. They come to know that number on Bobby's slip exceeds number on Amit's slip by 1. Coole then asks about their numbers. Amit and Bobby only tell him the above fact, and also that sum of digits on Amit's slip is 89 and Bobby's slip is 45. Using this information Coole is able to find the two numbers. What is number on Amit's slip?

A: 9999899999 (Another good puzzle)

34: A century cannot end on perticular day(s) of the week. What are those day(s)? (Use short form of the days eg, Sunday=sun, Monday=mon, Thursday=thu)

A: tuethusat (another good one)


One day wondering around in a nearby garden in my town, I met an interesting person. His name was "Oliver Kanzekame". Hearing his name, I instantly got into a conversation with him. It might fell quite awkward that how can someone start talking to a stranger just by hearing his name. I myself couldn't understand it. As I believe, there was some dark magic controlling me. By the way, conversation got interesting soon. He told me many things about himself. He was a great fan of Harry Potter. He loved social networking sites. His e-mail address was From my side, I told him that I was making Mind Quiz, and about my writing hobby. He was very much impressed by idea of Mind Quiz and offered to contribute something for it. He wished to tell you something. But What?

A: alohmora

36: Mirror Image of 04:25:37

A: 073423 (loved this puzzle)

37: 10 11 101 111 1011 1101 10001

A: 1001110111

38: What could represent the next two symbols in this series?

A: 8899 (extremely easy for level 38)

39: Sometime ago, while traveling in US, I read about a peculiar case in newspaper. A man was accused to have stolen some precious jewels. He was trying to run away with them, when a smart policeman overtook him and caught him. The lawyer for the accused asked the police officer how was he able to catch the accused, who was already 27 steps ahead of him, when he started running after him? Officer replied, "Yes, he takes 8 steps for every 5 of mine." Then lawyer interrogated, "If that was the case, how were you ever able to catch him?" Officer answered, "That's easy sir, I take longer stride. Two steps of mine are equal to five of his. So, it took me lesser steps then his, and I was ultimately able to catch him." After making few calculations, officer was able to tell the number of steps taken by him, and the thief, before he was able to catch him. Find out total number of steps taken by each.

A: 3075

40: __, RY, CH, IL, AY, __, LY, ST, __, __, ER, ER


41: ziv blf mfgh

A: areyounuts

42: On seeing 48 as a number, you don't notice anything special. But, tell it to a mathematician, and it will give a curious fact about it. This number is such that, if you add one to it, it becomes a perfect square, and also if you add one to half of it, then also it becomes a perfect square. Interesting, isn't it? Well, you gotta find out next such number to move to next level.

A: 1680

43: In city of Dhushivas, a traditional gathering was organized, consisting of people from three different villages. Each village has people of only one distinct tribe. So, gathering had people of three different communities. In total a hundred people were invited. After some traditional functions, it was time for group meal. In the meal, people belonging to Vishvas community were served four plates each, people of Dhushas community were served two plates each and of Shivas were served only one plate among four of them. Not a single person was spare, and not a single plate was left. Then how many people of Shivas, Vishvas, and Dhushas were there?

A: (two correct answers, but only this works) 721315

44: figure shows a grid of ten circles, in which ten numbers are to be placed. Numbers in A, B and F, G have already been filled. Condition for filling the numbers is such that sum of squares of any two adjacent numbers must be equal to sum of squares of diagonally opposite numbers. For example, 16*16 + 2*2=260 and 14*14+8*8=260. you need to fill the remaining circles, and combine them as CDEHIJ to get the correct answer.

A (most stupid puzzle of all..this has too many correct answers, but this one works) 492219472613

45: Clue: Just work on the positions of the peices. No checkmate, No famous game, nothing else. I've made this puzzle, so don't go researching for this board. Think why I've written "Use L for white, D for black"! After that, you need to look for a series, and predict position of missing piece

For those who were not getting the above puzzle, here is a choice. This puzzle will also take you to next level.

You just have to arrange 8 queens on a chess board, so that none of the queens attacks any other. And also no three queens are in same straight line. Just note down the positions of the queens(eg, a5, g7, etc.) then sort them using word or excel (to prevent confusion of arrangement of postions) and then combine the postions (eg, a5b7c8d4...) to form the answer!

A: (first one is impossible to understand, and second has 92 correct another stupid's the one that worked) : a4b2c8d5e7f1g3h6

46: He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail.
  • The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.
  • The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.
And you also need some physics to crack this!!!

A: bohr

47: Find next term in series:

0, 36, 168, 480, 1080, 2100, 3696, 6048, __________

Here are few advices for you:

1. Don't waste your time using google for this one. You will not find anything, I have made it sure.
2. No use of hit and trial!!! (or it may work if try in right way and try too many times)
3. You will now be able to understand the series just by staring at the screen. note it down, work it out on paper, and then use your mind! Good luck!

A: (most time taking puzzle of all, and also one of the most difficult series, i have ever seen) 9360

48: say "A" and transfer the card on top of the arranged pack, to the bottom of the pack without turning it. Now, say "C" and do the same with next card and now "E" and do the same. Observe that you have pronounced "Ace" and transferred three cards one by one to the bottom of the pack. Now turn over the card on the top now. It must be ace. Separate the Ace and place it on the table, separated from the pack in your hands. Similarly, spell "TWO", "THREE", "FOUR", "FIVE", "SIX", "SEVEN", "EIGHT", "NINE", "TEN", "JACK", "QUEEN", "KING" one by one, and you must get respective cards on top. Separate them one by one. In the end, you must be having all the cards from Ace to King arranged in serial order.
A: 387AQ642JK1095

49: image gives you the road map of interconnection of towns 1 to 16. A person needs to visit each town, starting from town 1 and return to town 1. But, he is bounded by a condition that he can visit any town only and only once, and can move only on straight roads connecting the towns. He cannot turn from one road to another, at the crossing of two roads. Find out the sequence in which he must visit the towns. (Combine the numbers in the sequence without spaces to get the answer. For example, if your answer is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then you use 12345.htm as file name.)
A: (Great puzzle) 195148415610213731116121

50: Suppose 26 frogs are arranged in this manner (i.e. 17 more follow ninth one). The first block is empty. What you have to do is to make the frogs arrange in reverse order, ie, from 1, 2, 3, 4 ...... 25, 26 change it to 26, 25, 24 ...... 3, 2, 1. The empty box must be in current position only. This you have to do in fewest possible moves. Legal moves are (1) Frog can go backwards or forwards (2) Frog can jump to the empty box, if only it is present next to it (3) It can leap only one frog. As said, you have to do this in least possible moves. When you get it, the number of moves you took is the answer (type it in words). (HINT: this puzzle has a general formula. Try to get it using your brain. Type the answer in words.).
A: threehundredfiftyone


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Now that's innovation

I have always been a fan of creativity and innovation of Google, but this one tops the chart:

Click here to know the story.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

विवेक के लिए...

वक्त है खूबसूरत, भले recession जमा हो,
पेहेनना तुम sun-goggles, भले अँधेरा समाँ हो,

राजू श्रीवास्तव के जोक्स हों न हों, हँसते रहो बिन टेंशन तुम
cricinfo के stats याद कर कर के, करते रहो mention तुम;
करते रहो mention तुम;

अब तो बक बक करने की, पूरी आजादी है,
हो गई, मेरे दोस्त की शादी है।
हो गई, मेरे दोस्त की शादी है

casino की trips se, या fossil की घड़ियों से ,
या फिर US trips की photos की वजह से,
Aeropostale की T-Shirts से,
और i-touch में बजते अल्ताफ रजा से,

इन सब बातों से, यादों में बंसने की,
हमारी बारी है।
हो गई, मेरे दोस्त की शादी है
हो गई, मेरे दोस्त की शादी है

Skiing में गिरना हो, या algonquin की हो बहार
तेरी ball पे छक्के पड़ें, या Pool में तुझसे हर कोई जाए हार,

छोटू के "challenges" हों, या दारु की बोतलें छुपानी पड़ें,
पर दीवाली-Christmas जैसी parties हमेशा चलती रहे;
भले किसी का knee-dislocate हो, पर birthdays में लातें हमेशा पड़ती रहे;
गम हो या खुशी हो, बस बीड़ी तेरी जलती रहे ।

बीड़ी तेरी जलती रहे,
ये दुआ हमारी है
हो गई, मेरे दोस्त की शादी है
हो गई, मेरे दोस्त की शादी है

- Many many best wishes on your wedding Vivek
From all your TDC friends

Sunday, April 26, 2009

To, Dear Fake IPL Blogger

Man, u r doing a great job. I appreciate your writing skills and above all, the naming convention u follow.

I don't know, if u r really amongst one of them, or just a marketing trick, but u rock!!

However, here are some suggestions and my feelings on IPL.

First of all, I am not a big fan of IPL. I don't get the same thrill as I get while watching an ODI, but still I like IPL as it could be a defining moment for India. International cricket super stars playing under the flag of Indian Cities and states and competing for a trophy having the map of India depicted on it, is surely something to be proud of.

However, the tournament can do a lot of things to make it more interesting and marketable. Here are just a few of them. I have many more such ideas hidden inside my business brain, but they don't come free :)

A couple of ideas, without the consultancy fee:

(Mr. Fake IPL Blogger, could you pass on these ideas to Lalit Modi and co.?)

1. Umpire's eye view. We now have so many cameras placed everywhere inside the cricketing arena. Why not put a camera on Umpire's Hat, with a corporate logo of course, to balance off the costs and at the same time, get some decent profit. I am sure, we'll need to see the Umpire's eye view a lot of times making the camera an instant hit and also a good source of earning revenues. Viewers won't complain either.

2. Why is the DLF Maxima, is still just a six, with a fancy name attached to it. Howz anyone gonna remember that name, after the tournament and how's it any different, in the first place?

Calling Rabri Devi as Rakhi Sawant or Dr. Manmohan Singh as Raghu Ram of Roadies, won't make them more's just foolish and instead frustrate the viewers. A DLF Shot must be of 8 runs and a Maxima should add at least 10 runs to the score board. May be, when the ball crosses a certain distance or even better, hits a handsomely paying corporate logo displayed on a huge board somewhere in the stands. Imagine, the chasing team needing 10 or 20 runs in the last two balls. All focus will be set on that revenue-generating display board. Good for the batsman, better for the viewers, but best for the IPL's balance sheet. God have mercy on the baller, though :)

3. This one is a no-brainer. Please, no more strategy breaks. IPL is about making more runs, and not more strategies (unlike KKR). I understand, it's difficult to show many ads in this shorter version of the game, but these strategy breaks are stupid. If really needed, ask the cheerleaders to promote a brand on every boundary or wicket. In the longer run, I don't see any future for these cheer leaders either. SRK, Preity and Big Sister are enough. I'll understand if SRK decides to stay away from managing his team and multiple captains, but he can still demand a huge cheque in return for his services of dancing at the dias with cheer-leaders (who if looked closely, may look like Ka Ka Ka Ka Kiran...oops that's's Ka Ka Ka Karan now).

Monday, April 13, 2009

Senseless Political Rantings

As if Samajwadi Party had not done enough to criminalize UP and hold back its development, it now has included non-development and terrorizing the country in its election manifesto. Not only, Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav has declared to legalize the organizations, which are the terror factories of the country, but he is actually taking pride to take away the biggest assets of India in today's world, viz - English Speaking and Information Technology.

This news is not only a shame to the educated and sensible Indians, but also a slap in the face of "Star Prachaaraks" of the party. Sanjay Dutt, who had managed to gain some sympathy after the seemingly harsh court verdict, thanks to his Gandhigiri image, is now bent to losing it all by giving stupid comments against TADA and the police.

I now wonder, what will be reaction of Mr. and Mrs. Bacchan on all this. Mrs. Jaya Bacchan has told that her hero was one of our most inept PMs "Mr. Chandrashekhar", so I assume, she won't mind India going to dumps as far as she gets to sit inside the Parliament.

However, if Mr. Mulayam Singh happens to end further computerisation of the country, thousands of fans of Big B will lose the chance of reading his blogs daily and I think, this won't make Mr. Bacchan very happy.

To Mr. Bacchan,

Dear Sir, I am a huuuuuuuuuge fan of yours and love both your acting and writing skills. As a fan, I am taking the liberty of requesting you to please not associate yourself with such politicians OR their party. I understand, that you are not doing anything which involves you to politics directly, but "they are". These politicians are trying their best to encash your respectability and steal a mileage for their own benefit.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Last day @ TDC

After about four years in Morgan Stanley account, time has come to move on. Today was my last working day with MS and also the last working day at Toronto. It had been a wonderful experience learning so much and hence, feeling nostalgic about it was kind of natural; but the Qualcomm guys made our exit memorable by giving us a surprise lunch party.

and finally...Hail Vidhya

Monday, March 9, 2009

Goodbye Niagara

How could have we left Canada, before bidding a final goodbye to our most favt place. NIAGARA FALLS. Hence we went for a final shopping trip to Buffalo and say good bye to Niagara falls. The feeling of coming to Niagara for the last time was making us nostalgic, but there was also the excitement for going to back to home.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

3 day trip to Quebec

We finally managed to plan and visit Quebec, the snow capital of the world in freezing winters. And all the pain was worth it. Our earler trip to Quebec was in summers and even then Quebec was a treat for the eyes. It's a completely different look in the winters. Witnessing the magnificence of the frozen Montmorency falls, which are even higher than Niagara Falls was once in a life time experience. Where else can u see people walking over a river or climbing a frozen waterfall. Ice-hotel is also splendid. Having a complete hotel made of ice...walls, pillars, chandeliers, rooms, beds, stairs, balconies, chairs, chapel, rides, bar and even the drinking glasses made of ice. WAO! We missed the dog-sledding due to extremely bad weather, but is on our list. Hopefully, the next album will have pix for it :)

Here are the others:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Niagara on Valentine's Day

Went to our most fav location to celebrate V-Day this year. Frozen Niagara was fabulous as expected, and the charm of the day, made it look even more romantic.

We had an Italian dinner at Mama Mia's with Manicotti and Cafe Diane.

Here's what we did on last V-Day

Saturday, January 24, 2009


We finally managed to go for skiing. We had to keep postponing the programme since several weeks now. Even today, we initially canceled it, when the temperature was minus 30 degrees celsius and predicted to reach -35. However, thanks to Priya's Tea-on-balcony boasting, we all were motivated again to make our long held wish a reality. Still, Priya is going to take the burden of getting many villages of chickens killed today. As Nipun and BD are on a prowl.

We also went to Bheeshma's b'day party immediately after coming back and had a nice time and an even nicer dinner (The pix of those are at Picasa).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year's Celebrations at TDC

After a successful Christmas Party, our spirits were high for another party. New Year was a perfect opportunity, and the first friday of 2009 was a nice excuse to kick start our Friday Fun events. We organized a Turncoat competition and asked the participants to speak both for and against a given topic.

Abhijeet agreed to start the event and was given the topic, "Casual Wear should be allowed in Office" and stated that Casual wear brings a refreshing ambiance, reduces protocols, increases productivity and also the colorful atmosphere has a positive effect on subconscious human mind. Switching to the cons, he brought to attention that Formal wear helps in imbibing the sense of equality and conveys professionalism. It also posts a decent picture in front of our clients.

Vidhya got a very interesting topic, "24 hrs News channels - Boon or Bane" and said its a boon because we can get minute to minute updates of our world but a bane because showing news whole day will be boring and a wastage of money and energy.

Rohan got a contemporary topic of whether to choose IT or not, if entering the job market today. He said that joining other industries will give a chance to explore more creativity and possibly better working hours, whereas IT industry is still India's hub and we can contribute to it.

Premjith got a topic, which even US congress is debating, "Should the Auto Industry be bailed out". He pointed out that saving Auto industry is necessary to save millions of jobs and also to save the already faltering economy. They also need a bailout to keep their eco-friendly researches going on. On the other hand, the industry had earned billions since many years and did not make good use of it. Also, failure to curb this tendency may set a bad example for others.

I, Ankush, was asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working in a very large organization and I highlighted the advantages being the brand name, wider options in choosing projects, technologies, businesses and even location to work; while the disadvantages being not a fast career growth, difficult to reach top management and not many options to choose, while leaving the company.

There were also some remarkable discussions on Work-from-home policy, Life without, and many such interesting topics. Ravikumar Vavilla and Jayaraman Keerthi, who also were the judges for the event, must have brainstormed a lot to find such interesting and yet debatable topics. The event culminated with the distribution of prizes where Abhijeet bagged a well deserved first prize, Nipun - 2nd Prize, Premjith, Vidhya and myself the consolation prizes.

Hence, we celebrated the new year, not only having fun, but also pushing ourselves to think from all the perspectives for a point. Even the audience enjoyed the discussion and learned a lot from it.

Hoping, we'll be able to remember the lessons learnt from this event whole year, and also wishing everyone a very happy 2009, I close.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What an experience

Though I wish, I don't ever get this experience, but still.....what an experience must have this been:

Friday, January 16, 2009

My First Poem

This is the first poem I wrote...some consider it stupid, some funny, some classic, and some even dirty...i consider it interesting. Most of the people miss a very serious poetry in this..but that's what the Poet's art is :). There are many memories associated with this one, so to refresh them, blogging it today:

भारतीय रेल

भारतीय रेल की बोगी,
आपने भी होगी भोगी!

एक बार हम भी कर रहे थे यात्रा,
पर देख कर सवारियों की मात्रा;
छूट गया हमारा तो पसीना,
पर फिर भी, तान कर सीना

घुसने का करने लगे प्रयास,
पर औरों को यह बात न आई रास।

पहले दरवाज़े से घुसे, तो दूसरे से निकाल दिया,
साथ ही चटका हमारा कंकाल दिया।

ख़ुद को घुसाने के लिए भी,
कुली का लेना पड़ा सहारा;
हम तो अन्दर घुस गए,
पर सामान; बाहर ही रहा हमारा।

अन्दर का दृश्य तो, बड़ा ही घमासान था,
वह तो अपने आप में, कुरुक्षेत्र का मैदान था।

खैर, बर्थ न मिली, तो रेल के earth पर ही लेट लिए,
श्वान की भाँती, ख़ुद के शरीर को समेट लिए।

इधर हमारी आँखें झपकीं,
उधर हमारे चेहरे पर, दो बूँद जल सी टपकीं

.......टप टप ....

ऊपर देखा, तो एक शिशु लीक कर रहा था,
और वह भी, काफ़ी quick कर रहा था
फिर उसकी मातेश्वरी की जो देखी काया,
याद टुनटुन का शरीर हो आया,

प्रथम स्मरण हमने सारे देवन को किया,
फिर हाथ जोड़ कर, उनसे, विनम्र निवेदन किया,

"बच्चे को रोक लीजिये प्लीज ! "
इसपर वह बोलीं खीज,

"बच्चा क्या मेरे कहने से रुक जायेगा?
विधाता का बनाया विधान, यूँ ही झुक जाएगा?"

मैंने कहा कि, "कहीं मुसीबत न हो जाए,
नींद में सुसु भी, शरबत न हो जाए।"

उन्होंने कहा, "ठीक ही है, इसने कृत किया,
एक कवि को, उसकी योग्यता के अनुसार ही पुरुस्कृत किया।"

मैंने पुछा, "कवि हूँ मैं;
ये आपने कैसे जान लिया?"
जवाब मिला, "बेहाल हाल,
से पहचान लिया।"

मैंने कहा, "मैडम! मैं कवि हास्य व्यंग का हूँ।
नवरंग था कभी, अब बदरंग हूँ।
फिलहाल तो गुस्से से लाल पीला हूँ,
रंगीला था पहले, अब सिर्फ़ गीला हूँ। "

mad मैडम ने नेहले पे देहला दिया,
उत्तर क्या दिया, मेरा दिल दहला दिया,
बोलीं, "बच्चे का क्या भरोसा........
अगली बार कुछ और ही परोसा?"

दूसरों को हंसाते हो,
कहीं ख़ुद मखौल न हो जाओ;
चले जाओ दूर कहीं,
dettol से burnol न हो जाओ।"

सूझा न हमको कोई जवाब,
इसलिए निकल लिए, वहां से जनाब ।
तब से कर ली, हमने है तौबा,
पैदल सफर कर लेंगे,
पर भारतीय रेल -
न बाबा !!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Satyam Nursery Rhymes

Raju Raju sat on the wall

Raju Raju had a great fall

Balance sheet died

Shareholders cried

Raju Raju made a fraud


Raju Raju

Yes papa

Cheating us

No papa

Telling Lies

No papa

Open the balance sheet



Ramalinga Raju,

Went up the hill

To fool his company's investors !

He fell down,

And lost his Crown,

His company came tumbling after.!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Party at TDC

Nothing is business as usual, when it's the Christmas season in Toronto...or very little. To satiate the appetite for a party, the associates in Toronto decided to take some time out of their busy schedule and celebrate the holiday season in their own style. After some quick brainstorming, we decided that Pizzas would be the best option. As an additional topping, we decided to have a game of Secret Santa to garnish the geek food in Christmas flavor. The news of Pizzas for lunch, cheered up everybody, and the flooding of Inboxes and Instant Messenger windows of the organisers were a proof for the same.

Thankfully, the pizzas were delivered right on time and within seconds, the room was filled with the sight of huge open pizza boxes, the sound of crunching and munching and the aroma of spicy sauces.  Like brave soldiers, they rested only after the mission was complete :) !

After a quick round to their respectives desks to check their calls, mails, etc. they were all back with their secret gifts to play Secret Santa. The game was aready a  proven success, but this year it was all the more fun, because of increased participation and alluring gifts. Crying for gifts, hiding their favourite ones to keep it from being stolen and even sweetly fighting for them, by the software engineers converted any skeptic to believe on the saying that, "There's a child in every grownup"; and the innocence of a child's smile was evident on everyone's lips after the game.

Thanking Santa for the gifts, wishing each other a merry christmas, praying for love and peace in the world and hoping for the next party soon, we culminated the event and got back to work.