Sunday, February 2, 2020

10 years with Udaan

26th Jan, 2010: Thinking that I should celebrate the republic day in its true spirit, I had volunteered for a CSR initiative with Udaan. This republic day, the association became 10 years strong and some of the episodes are still fresh in my otherwise frail memory.

We started with reading stories in English for the young minds in a small room designated as the Udaan Library. Within a few days, we graduated to playing board games as an additional activity to help build their confidence and make the students think strategically. I remember teaching chess to a few students and a game with Bharat is still very close to my heart. Bharat was a bright student and had taken a liking to chess from the very first game. It took only a few games before I ended up on the losing side. Admittedly, I am not a very good chess player, but I prefer to remember that game as an example of being a good coach. J

In Udaan, we are called Bhaiya/Didi and not Sir/Madam and that’s just one of the reason behind the bonding we share with the students. We are not just mentors and coaches but also their friends and in many cases feel as responsible as their elder brother/sister. That small room did not stand the test of time and Mumbai’s fast changing landscape, but the relationship I had developed with my first batch of students is still strong and resilient.

Teaching and Computers have been my passion and hobby; and hence when came the opportunity to Teach-Computers to Udaan students, I quickly grabbed it. That’s where I had first met Vinay, one of my favourite students and Nancy, who had infinite love and good wishes for her students in her heart.

The lab used to be in a dark basement of the erstwhile Transocean building, but was very well maintained from inside. Looking back, it sorts of had a poetic symbolism as most of the underprivileged students were being brought up in a tough dark environment but by providing good education to them, Udaan had lit up a spark inside.

The Saturday Club was another memorable association, which also was great fun for ourselves. Making fun presentations for “Around the world” with Ginny and launching an imaginary aeroplane at the start of each class are now stuff of the legend. I also taught Science weekday classes for a little while, which were hugely popular amongst the students. Many students asked me to take all their science and maths classes and it was heart-breaking not to accept it, owing to my work commitments. However, I can only aspire to be as good as Rajeev, my friend and fellow volunteer. Rajeev used to take Science-experiments class in the Saturday club and had such an enthralling style that even teachers used to line up outside his class to witness his magic.

During the culmination of the club each year, we used to make final presentations in the form of exhibitions and models, songs, dance and often we did go whole nine-yards. Both figuratively and literally.

Tulsi’s performance as the little brown mouse in the Gruffalo story still makes me smile.

During Udaan’s annual sports day event, I used to hone my photography skills and it made me proud whenever my click found its way to Udaan’s newsletter, boards, etc. However, the real pride was seen in the shining eyes of the winners of the race and the winners of the annual trophy. The entire day is an amazing experience which could not, and should not, be put to inert words for the sake of doing justice to the real experience.

I remember the decade gone by with joy and humbleness at the same time. It has been a highly enriching and educating experience for myself. I have learned various key skills in undertaking these projects, made great friends and lifelong associations, collected beautiful memories and continue to strive to spread happiness.