Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
New Year's Celebrations at TDC
After a successful Christmas Party, our spirits were high for another party. New Year was a perfect opportunity, and the first friday of 2009 was a nice excuse to kick start our Friday Fun events. We organized a Turncoat competition and asked the participants to speak both for and against a given topic.
I, Ankush, was asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working in a very large organization and I highlighted the advantages being the brand name, wider options in choosing projects, technologies, businesses and even location to work; while the disadvantages being not a fast career growth, difficult to reach top management and not many options to choose, while leaving the company.
There were also some remarkable discussions on Work-from-home policy, Life without, and many such interesting topics. Ravikumar Vavilla and Jayaraman Keerthi, who also were the judges for the event, must have brainstormed a lot to find such interesting and yet debatable topics. The event culminated with the distribution of prizes where Abhijeet bagged a well deserved first prize, Nipun - 2nd Prize, Premjith, Vidhya and myself the consolation prizes.
Hence, we celebrated the new year, not only having fun, but also pushing ourselves to think from all the perspectives for a point. Even the audience enjoyed the discussion and learned a lot from it.
Hoping, we'll be able to remember the lessons learnt from this event whole year, and also wishing everyone a very happy 2009, I close.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What an experience
Friday, January 16, 2009
My First Poem
आपने भी होगी भोगी!
एक बार हम भी कर रहे थे यात्रा,
पर देख कर सवारियों की मात्रा;
छूट गया हमारा तो पसीना,
पर फिर भी, तान कर सीना
घुसने का करने लगे प्रयास,
पर औरों को यह बात न आई रास।
पहले दरवाज़े से घुसे, तो दूसरे से निकाल दिया,
साथ ही चटका हमारा कंकाल दिया।
ख़ुद को घुसाने के लिए भी,
कुली का लेना पड़ा सहारा;
हम तो अन्दर घुस गए,
पर सामान; बाहर ही रहा हमारा।
अन्दर का दृश्य तो, बड़ा ही घमासान था,
वह तो अपने आप में, कुरुक्षेत्र का मैदान था।
खैर, बर्थ न मिली, तो रेल के earth पर ही लेट लिए,
श्वान की भाँती, ख़ुद के शरीर को समेट लिए।
इधर हमारी आँखें झपकीं,
उधर हमारे चेहरे पर, दो बूँद जल सी टपकीं
.......टप टप ....
ऊपर देखा, तो एक शिशु लीक कर रहा था,
और वह भी, काफ़ी quick कर रहा था
फिर उसकी मातेश्वरी की जो देखी काया,
याद टुनटुन का शरीर हो आया,
प्रथम स्मरण हमने सारे देवन को किया,
फिर हाथ जोड़ कर, उनसे, विनम्र निवेदन किया,
"बच्चे को रोक लीजिये प्लीज ! "
इसपर वह बोलीं खीज,
"बच्चा क्या मेरे कहने से रुक जायेगा?
विधाता का बनाया विधान, यूँ ही झुक जाएगा?"
मैंने कहा कि, "कहीं मुसीबत न हो जाए,
नींद में सुसु भी, शरबत न हो जाए।"
उन्होंने कहा, "ठीक ही है, इसने कृत किया,
एक कवि को, उसकी योग्यता के अनुसार ही पुरुस्कृत किया।"
मैंने पुछा, "कवि हूँ मैं;
ये आपने कैसे जान लिया?"
जवाब मिला, "बेहाल हाल,
से पहचान लिया।"
मैंने कहा, "मैडम! मैं कवि हास्य व्यंग का हूँ।
नवरंग था कभी, अब बदरंग हूँ।
फिलहाल तो गुस्से से लाल पीला हूँ,
रंगीला था पहले, अब सिर्फ़ गीला हूँ। "
mad मैडम ने नेहले पे देहला दिया,
उत्तर क्या दिया, मेरा दिल दहला दिया,
बोलीं, "बच्चे का क्या भरोसा........
अगली बार कुछ और ही परोसा?"
दूसरों को हंसाते हो,
कहीं ख़ुद मखौल न हो जाओ;
चले जाओ दूर कहीं,
dettol से burnol न हो जाओ।"
इसलिए निकल लिए, वहां से जनाब ।
तब से कर ली, हमने है तौबा,
पैदल सफर कर लेंगे,
पर भारतीय रेल -
न बाबा !!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Satyam Nursery Rhymes
Raju Raju sat on the wall
Raju Raju had a great fall
Balance sheet died
Shareholders cried
Raju Raju made a fraud
--------------------------------- Raju Raju
Yes papa
Cheating us
No papa
Telling Lies
No papa
Open the balance sheet
Ramalinga Raju,
Went up the hill
To fool his company's investors !
He fell down,
And lost his Crown,
His company came tumbling after.!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas Party at TDC
After a quick round to their respectives desks to check their calls, mails, etc. they were all back with their secret gifts to play Secret Santa. The game was aready a proven success, but this year it was all the more fun, because of increased participation and alluring gifts. Crying for gifts, hiding their favourite ones to keep it from being stolen and even sweetly fighting for them, by the software engineers converted any skeptic to believe on the saying that, "There's a child in every grownup"; and the innocence of a child's smile was evident on everyone's lips after the game.
Thanking Santa for the gifts, wishing each other a merry christmas, praying for love and peace in the world and hoping for the next party soon, we culminated the event and got back to work.